public schools

How Have the Arts Shaped You?

With all the experiences, research, and information we have to prove that quality arts programs in schools have various positive impacts on student achievement, school culture, community, and personal development, it baffles me that we are still fighting this battle. I've never heard one person complain about having had to study the arts in schools, yet we constantly battle to gain equal footing among other content areas in the school schedule.

Back in January 2017, PBS News Hour did a story on the Turnaround Arts program at ReNEW Cultural Arts Academy in New Orleans, LA. I’m provided tremendous hope in knowing that there are so many that understand arts education as an integral and important part of the learning process. A quality arts education program for every child should be a right, not a luxury for the privileged few who can afford it.

As multiple award-winning actress Alfre Woodard beautifully states in this piece, “Art completes not only the education, but it completes the human being.” How does art complete you? What experiences, in and with the arts, have shape who you’ve beome?

The ARTS are CORE!

-Jerry Phelps